The following is the letter sent by the Upton Farm Preservation Network to the Canada Lands Company (the federal Crown Corporation that is now in possession of the Upton Farmlands) concerning our stand on the City of Charlottetown’s proposal to perhaps hold a concert on the Upton Farmlands (on a field located on the north side of the TransCanada Highway):
March 3, 2008
Mr. Ron Pachal
General Manager, Real Estate, Atlantic
Canada Lands Company
Suite 1205, 1505 Barrington St.
Halifax, NS
B3J 3K5
Dear Mr Pachal:
I wish to formally express the Upton Farm Preservation Network’s (UFPN) appreciation for the leadership demonstrated by the Canada Lands Company in establishing the Upton Farmlands Consultation Committee. Our Network is particularly pleased with the Committee’s terms of reference, which state that the goal of the consultation process is develop a plan to preserve Upton Farmlands as a green space.
Further to our February 27, 2008 meeting in Charlottetown, I would also like to outline UFPN’s position regarding the request by the City of Charlottetown to use, on a one-time basis, a portion of the Upton Farmlands as a concert venue.
It is our understanding that:
a) the City’s request lies outside the Consultation Committee’s mandate and is being addressed as a one-off request;
b) the City has provided assurances that, if its request is approved, the property would be restored to its pre-concert condition; and
c) any decision taken regarding this request will in no way impact the larger consultation process to keep the Upton Farm Lands as greenspace.
In light of the above, and, given that UFPN was formed to ensure the long-term preservation of the Upton Farm Lands as green space, the Network will not oppose the city’s request.
Our position on the City’s request is conditional upon your acknowledgment that our understanding as outlined above is accurate.
We look forward to your reply.
Kirsten Connor
The Upton Farm Preservation Network
cc. Mayor Clifford Lee, City of Charlottetown