PEI Invasive Species Council-Management Day

Community Greenspace
We were honored to be chosen as Charlottetown’s planting site for 200 beautiful trees for the 10th-anniversary planting event on September 22nd. The trees were planted at three different locations on Upton Farmlands. Thanks to the volunteers who came out to help get these beauties in the ground! And special thanks to Mayor Brown for […]
The Upton Farm Trust board got busy last week pruning the CN/TREE CANADA trees along the Trans Canada Highway. Unfortunately, there has been damage and some loss (4 trees so far) and we are trying to get the trees looking their best and giving them the best chance for survival. This will take several sessions […]
A dear friend of mine painted this, and it’s too beautiful not to share. Enjoy!
Thanks to Dave Campbell for these beautiful photos!
Thanks Dave for the beautiful photos. They really capture the beauty of this special place. Photo Credit: Dave Campbell
Photo Credit: Dave Campbell
Photo Credit: Dave Campbell
Dogs, kids and sleds! Debbie Ross with Gigi
We are currently soliciting Proposals for a Master Plan of the Upton Farmlands property. For more information, please see the attached documents. Requests for Proposal(s) have already been sent out.