Upton Farmlands
Consultation Terms of Reference
April 1, 2008
Background to the consultation: The Mayor of Charlottetown, the Premier of Prince Edward Island (PEI), and the Federal Minister responsible for Prince Edward Island have all requested that the Canada Lands Company conduct further consultation regarding the future of the Upton Farm Lands. They have also indicated their interest in keeping the Upton Farmlands green, and in producing an outcome that benefits all stakeholders. In response, Canada Lands Company (CLC) agreed to convene this consultation process.
Goal of the consultation: To identify strategies to ensure that the outcomes of this process are consistent with keeping / making the Upton Farm lands green.
Participants in the consultation:
City of Charlottetown (Mayor Clifford Lee, Cecil Villard, Councillor, Ward 7)
Province of PEI (Tracy Cutcliffe, Deputy Minister, Community, Cultural Affairs & Labour)
Upton Farm Preservation Network (UFPN) (Kirsten Connor and Dianne Bradley)
Canada Lands Company (Ron Pachal, General Manager, Real Estate, Atlantic, Robert Howald, Vice President, Real Estate, Eastern Region)
Other stakeholders, to be determined based on discussion between the UFPN, the City, the Province, and the CLC
Convenor of the consultation: Canada Lands Company
Facilitators retained by Canada Lands: Canadian Urban Institute (Jeff Evenson, Nicole Swerhun)
Roles and Responsibilities:
All participants in the consultation will:
Agree to these Terms of Reference
Assist in the development of meeting agendas
Ensure that the results of discussions are accurately documented in the form of meeting records that reflect key discussion points/decisions/actions
Communicate to and from the organizations they represent
Agree that all meeting records from this consultation, as well as the Terms of Reference of the consultation, may be shared publicly by the participants (e.g. via their respective websites)
The land owner (Canada Lands Company) will:
Not move forward with any type of development on the property while this consultation process is underway except the one time concert venue.
The facilitators will:
Agree to these Terms of Reference
Coordinate and facilitate consultation meetings
Assist in the development of meeting agendas
Produce a record of each meeting (to be circulated to participants in draft before finalizing)
Make the meeting records available to the participants
Assist in the resolution of issues, as required
Approach to decision-making: Decisions will be made by consensus. In the event that consensus cannot be reached, different opinions will be documented and the participants will decide whether there is still value in continuing the consultation process.
Logistics: Meetings of all participants will begin in April 2008, and will continue as desired by participants in the process.
Concluding the consultation: The consultation will conclude when participants have reached consensus on an outcome, or when the landowner and/or other participants feel that no further progress can be made toward achieving a consensus-based outcome through the consultation process.
A notice of completion of this consultation, along with the outcomes, will be sent by the Canada Lands Company to all participants as well as the Mayor of Charlottetown, the Premier of PEI.