Keep Upton Park Green
As I go door to door in your neighbourhood, I hear a lot of concern over plans to sell and develop the Upton Farm property and what that decision means for our community and our city.
We have a golden opportunity to preserve Upton Farm as important green space and that is the position I will support as your Member of Parliament.
Upton Farm belongs to the people of Canada and should be utilized in a manner that benefits as many people as possible. The previous federal government passed this land to the Canada Lands Company in 2001 as a way to avoid accountability for the decisions being made. Frankly, it is the responsibility of a Member of Parliament to involve the community in such important issues and take a stand.
Once green space is lost it cannot be recovered. While housing is important, such development should not be the only focus as we strive to build a city that will be of pride to our children.
As a business person, I know the value of development but I also know the value of maintaining important resources such as parks and viewscapes. Upton Farm is the area you first see when you enter the city. It encompasses over a mile of our coastline and there is a rich heritage associated with this property. There is tremendous potential to preserve it in a manner that benefits all of us.
I have been actively supporting this issue since last fall and have signed the online petition. I support efforts to preserve the land; I will proudly carry the petition to Ottawa and fight for preservation of Upton Farm.
For further information contact:
Tom DeBlois, Candidate for the
Conservative Party of Canada
(902) 628-2319