MacPhail Woods/Upton Farm 2014 Confederation Forest
MacPhail Woods/Upton Farm 2014 Confederation Forest Members of the Upton Trust Board and other volunteers got their hands dirty and planted many new trees on the South Side of the Upton Farmlands property. Check out MacPhail Woods website for more details and pictures.
Special Meeting-December 10/15
Just to let you all know that the motion to amend the Bylaws (Objects and Purposes, Dissolution Clause) passed. 22/23 members voted. All in favor of the motion. We are now having our Letters Patent changed and will then reapply to CRA for our Charitable Status. Thanks to those who voted, and/or attended the meeting! […]
2015/2016 Board of Directors
Executive Council recently appointed our Board of Directors. The current Board is: Heidi Hyndman-President Scott Burke-Vice President Barb Trainor-Secretary Doug MacDonald- Treasurer Beth Hoar-City of Charlottetown Allan Pendergast-Member at Large John MacQuarrie-PEI Government Todd Dupuis-PEI Government
AGM 2015
UPTON FARM TRUST INC Fourth Annual General Meeting June 4, 2015 at 7 PM Upton Room, West Royalty Community Centre
Revised Bylaws (Objects and Purposes)
As was mentioned in our ad today in the Guardian, we will be amending our bylaws (Objects and Purposes). This is required, as after a lengthy application process, Canada Revenue Agency rejected our request for Charitable status, stating that our O&P were too broad. It is our hope that this new version will satisfy their […]
Upton Farm Trust Inc Board of Directors-2014/2015
The June 9th election of Officers resulted in the following appointments: President-Heidi Hyndman Vice President-Alan Pendergast Secretary-Barb Trainor Treasurer/Immediate Past President-Doug MacDonald Members at large: Beth Hoar (City of Charlottetown) John MacQuaurrie (Province) Brian Douglas (Province) Kirsten Connor Doug Sobey
Macphail Woods/Upton Farm 2014 Confederation Forest Project
Members of the Upton Trust Board, Macphail Woods and other volunteers got their hands dirty and planted many new trees on the South Side of the Upton Farmlands property. Check out MacPhail Woods website for more details and pictures.
AGM Minutes 2013
AGM 2013 Reposting the minutes from last years Annual General Meeting, in case anyone would like them.