The PEI Legislature reconvenes on Tuesday, Oct. 16. The Upton Farm Preservation Network looks forward to continuing the important work of saving Upton Farm for the use and enjoyment of future generations of Islanders with our new government, led by Premier Robert Ghiz.
Members of the Preservation Network personally welcomed Premier Ghiz to office with this letter:
June 19, 2007
Premier Robert Ghiz
P. O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PEI
Dear Premier Ghiz:
Please accept our congratulations on your very decisive election victory.
We very much appreciated your pledge of support for keeping all of the Upton Farm Lands green and public during the election campaign.
We know that you have an abundance of important issues to deal with as you take office, however, time is unfortunately of essence on this file. We are therefore asking for your early consideration in appointing a Minister or Official with whom we can begin to work.
We are delighted with your commitment to this and forward all good wishes to your Government and to you as you start your first tenure as Premier of Prince Edward Island.
Yours truly,
Kirsten Connor,
on behalf of the Upton Farm Preservation Network